Troop 10 meetings are held each Monday at 7:00 pm on the third floor of the First Congregational Church, 62 Colony St., Meriden.
Click here for directions to the church

Click here for Charter
Click here for church website

If you are considering joining us, please come to a meeting on a Monday, or contact either:
Paul Charest (Scoutmaster) at 203-530-5098 or by email
Keith Charette (Committee Chair) at 203-213-7521 or by email


Troop 10 has been part of the Meriden, CT community for over 50 years. It has a strong tradition of outdoor activities, and camps throughout the year in the Northeast. Its members are of diverse ages and backgrounds, and, along with our adult leaders, are committed to Scouting’s values of leadership, service to community, and outdoor skills. Our troop welcomes anyone interested in scouting regardless of race, religion, or national origin.

Like all good Scout Troops, Troop 10 is a "boy led, boy run" unit - our youth members choose our annual activities program, and run the meetings and campouts. Older Scouts are primarily responsible for instructing and mentoring younger Scouts as they learn and advance in the program. Our Scouts learn leadership by actually practicing leadership! The adult leaders provide safety, security, and advancement opportunities, not to mention coaching along the way.

We have a dedicated corps of adult leaders serving our Scouts. Our scoutmasters understand the importance of their roles in providing guidance, leadership, growth opportunities and mentoring to our scouts. The skills and experiences of leadership are carefully crafted under their guidance.


  • Emphasize scouting skills and spirit.

  • Provide a positive environment for learning and advancement.

  • Focus on enjoying the outdoors through camping, hiking, and backpacking.

  • Practice Patrol method with boys leading boys